Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Abram Came Out of Ur

In Genesis 11:31 we are told how God led Terah and his son Abram and his grandson Lot out of Ur of the Chaldeans towards the land of Canaan. Now the city of Ur is known to have been one of the main seats of worship for the god Sin. So, quite literally, God led Terah, Lot and Abram "out of the land of Sin."

Monday, November 14, 2005

Scott Reads Bible

I am using this blog which I don't update nearly often enough to announce that I am working on a new project where I read one chapter of the Bible each day in a podcast. I will not be reading straight through the Bible, at least not right away, but will be doing a somewhat random selection each day and will be reading from many different versions of the Bible.

Please check it out at Scott Reads Bible. I think that this is really cool and hope to find a lot of people checking it out.

Special thanks to Podomatic for the media hosting services.